Sunday, March 7, 2010

SPEAKING NO. 1: Healthcare System - Public or Private?

In our class today we are going to talk about our Healthcare system. We should address things like the following:

- Should our healthcare system be public or private?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of both systems?
- Can you share your personal experience with either type of healthcare attention?

Below you will find some useful hints on how to start a conversation in English when you give your opinion. We will also review some vocabulary on the topic.


Below you will find a list of expressions, vocabulary that you can use when you discuss in English:

Opening a discussion

To begin with,

We need to discuss /determine / find out

Let's start by (V ing)

We'll start by (V ing)

The problem / issue / question here is . . .

The important thing (here) is . . .

The main thing we need to discuss is . . .

Let's look at . . .

It looks like . . .

It appears that . . .

Asking for input

What do you think?

How about you?

How do you feel about that?

Any ideas on that?


(That sounds like a) good idea.

Sounds good.

The problem with that is . . .

That raises / brings up the issue of . . .

Giving your opinion

I think that . . .

I don't think that . . .

In my opinion . . .

Asking for support or details

Why do you think that?

Could you elaborate?

Could you give (me) an example?

Can you illustrate that?

What evidence do you have?

Could you explain it in more detail?

Could you provide some details?

Supporting your opinions

Let me illustrate,

For example,

For instance,

To give you an example,

Let me give you an example,

To elaborate,

First, (second), etc.

(These phrases can be followed by details, examples, elaboration, or a summary of your main points.)


People involved:

  • Doctor = El médico, el doctor
  • Patient = El paciente
  • Nurse = La enfermera
  • Paramedics = paramédicos
  • Physician = médico clínico
  • General practitioner = Médico de cabecera, Médico general
  • Specialist = Especialista
  • Anesthesiologist (anesthesia) = Anestesiólogo (anestesia)
  • Cardiologist (heart) = Cardiólogo (corazón)
  • Dermatologist (skin)= Dermatólogo (piel)
  • Ear Nose and Throat Specialist / Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat) = Otorrinolaringólogo (oídos, nariz y garganta)
  • Endocrinologist (glands, hormones) = Endocrinólogo (glándulas, hormonas)
  • Gastroenterologist (stomach, intestines) = Gastroenterólogo (estómago e intestinos)
  • Geriatrician (the elderly) = Geriatra (personas de la tercera edad)
  • Gynecologist (women) = Ginecólogo (mujeres)
  • Nephrologist (kidneys) = Nefrólogo (riñones)
  • Neurologist (nervous system) = Neurólogo (sistema nervioso)
  • Ophtamologist (eyes) = Oftalmólogo (ojos)
  • Obstetrician (pregnancy, childbirth) = Obstetra (embarazo, nacimiento)
  • Odontologist (teeth) = Odontólogo (dientes)
  • Oncologist (cancer) = Oncólogo (cancer)
  • Pediatrician (children) = Pediatra (niños)
  • Psychiatrist (mental illness) = Psiquiatra (enfermedades mentales)
  • Physical Therapist (US), Physiotherapist (UK) = Fisioterapista o Fisioterapeuta
  • Radiologist (radiation) = Radiólogo (radiación)
  • Surgeon (surgery) = Cirujano (cirujía)
  • Urologist (urinary tract) = Urólogo (aparato urinario)
  • Clinic = la clínica
  • Doctor's consulting room = el consultorio
  • Hospital = el hospital
  • Drugstore/Pharmacy = la farmacia
  • Laboratory, lab = el laboratorio
  • Ambulance = la ambulancia
  • Examination room = la sala de evaluación/diagnóstico/reconocimiento
  • Emergency room = la sala de emergencies/urgencias
  • Intensive care unit = la unidad de cuidados intensivos
  • Operating theatre/room = el quirófano, la sala de operaciones
  • Waiting room = sala de espera
  • Ward = sala
Hospital Equipment:
  • examintation couch/table = sillón/diván/mesa de evaluación/diagnóstico/reconocimiento
  • hospital bed = cama de hospital
  • stretcher = camilla
  • operating table = mesa de operaciones
  • breathing (or respiratory) apparatus = respirador artificial
  • heart monitor = monitor (cardíaco)
  • defibrillator = defibrilador
  • IV pole / stand for IV drips= atril (o soporte) para el goteo intravenoso
  • catheter, tube = tubo, catéter, sonda
  • basin, bedpan = basinete, basinilla, orinal

Medical Equipment:
  • scales = pesa
  • height = tallímetro
  • thermometer = termómetro
  • stethoscope = estetoscopio
  • othoscope = otoscopio
  • ophthalmoscope = oftalmoscopio
  • sphygmomanometer/blood pressure monitor = esfigmomanómetro
  • tongue depressor = tiralengua o bajalengua
  • percusor, hammer = martillo de reflejos
  • glucometer = glucómetro
  • dressing gown = bata
  • lab coat = bata (de laboratorio)
  • mask = mascarilla
  • disposable needle/syringe = aguja/jeringa desechables
  • sterile needle/syringe = aguja/jeringa esterilizada
  • sterile gauze = gasa esterilizada
  • oxygen = oxigeno
  • dressing material = material de vendaje
  • plaster = yeso
Surgery equipment:
  • surgical instruments = instrumentos quirúrgicos
  • instrument tray = bandeja de los instrumentos
  • scalpel = bisturí
  • scissors = tijeras
  • tweezers = pinzas

Laboratory & Radiology equipment:
  • microscope = microscopio
  • beaker = vaso de precipitados (o de precipitación)
  • test tube = tubo de ensayo
  • urine sample = muestra de orina
  • blood sample = muestra de sangre
  • x-rays = rayos X
  • x-ray plate = radiografía
  • ultrasound = ultrasonido

Patient equipment:
  • wheelchair = silla de ruedas
  • crutches = muletas
  • cane = bastón
  • walker = andador
  • brace = aparato ortopédico
  • sling = cabestrillo

More vocabulary:
  • health insurance = seguro médico
  • medical/health exam = examen médico
  • medical history/record = historia clínica, historial médico
  • medical card = ficha médica
  • medical consultation = consulta médica
  • medical condition = condición médica
  • check-up = chequeo medico
  • diagnose = diagnóstico
  • prescription = receta
  • treatment = tratamiento
  • blood pressure/tension = presión sanguínea
  • blood test = prueba/examen de sangre
  • stitches = puntos (de sutura)
  • therapy = terapia
  • visiting hours = horas de visita
  • to consult a doctor = consultar un médico
  • to get a shot = recibir una inyección
  • to give someone a shot = poner una inyección (o inyectar) a alguien
  • To make an appointment = hacer una sita
  • To take one’s temperature = tomarle la temperatura a alguien
  • To take one’s pulse = tomarle el pulso a alguien
  • To take one’s(blood) tension/pressure = tomarle la presión a alguien
  • To cure = curar
  • To operate on = operar
  • To prescribe = recetar
  • To treat = tratar

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